Inicio > Transparency > Organisation


Membership and functions of the bodies:

– Membership of the one-person bodies of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021: ODT PDF

– Membership of the collegiate bodies of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021: ODT PDF

– Organisations represented in the CES of the Canary Islands. 30/12/2021: ODT PDF

Membership and functions of the administrative units:

– Membership of the administrative units of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021: ODT PDF

Management and temporary staff (identification, profile, functions and compatibilities):

– Information related to senior positions (Chairman) of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021: ODT PDF

– Information related to senior positions (Secretary General) of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021: ODT PDF

– Information related to temporary staff of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021:  ODT PDF

– Information related to management staff on programmes financed with European funds from the CES of the Canary Islands 2021. 30/12/2021:  ODT PDF

– Declaration of assets and economic rights of senior staff of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021: ODT PDF

Staff (identification, profile, functions and compatibilities):

– List of positions on the CES of the Canary Islands 2014. 30/12/2021:  ODT PDF

– List of staff recruitment of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021:  ODT PDF

– Authorization of compatibility for activities of staff of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021:  ODT PDF

Record of personal data processing activities managed by the CES:

– Record of personal data processing activities managed by the CES 2021: 30/12/2021:  ODT | PDF

Salary of managers and employees:

– Salary of senior officials of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021:  ODT PDF

– Salary of senior officials of the Canary Islands CES 2020. 07/02/2020:  ODT PDF

– Salary of temporary staff of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021: ODT PDF

– Salary of temporary staff of the Canary Islands CES 2020. 11/03/2020: ODT PDF

– Salary of permanent civil servants of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021: ODT PDF

– Salary of permanent civil servants of the Canary Islands CES 2020. 30/03/2020: ODT PDF

– Salary of personnel under set-term contracts of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021: ODT PDF

– Salary of personnel under set-term contracts of the Canary Islands CES 2020. 30/03/2020: ODT PDF

– Representation expenses of the Canary Islands CES 2021 30/12/2021: ODT PDF

– Reimbursement for services performed by senior staff of the Canary Islands CES 2021. 30/12/2021: ODT PDF

– Severance payment received on cessation of senior officials of the Canary Islands CES 2019. 30/12/2019: ODT PDF

Basic operating rules:

– Operation of the Canary Islands CES. 30/12/2021: ODT PDF