Notices and news


New Website of the Economic and Social Council of the Canary Islands.

The Economic and Social Council of the Canary Islands (CES) is launching its new website. The main guiding features of its design and development are simplicity and specificity, focused on highlighting what is important – the results of its activity. We have therefore avoided overloading the user with options, content, images, news, etc., which distract from the essential purpose of CES.

The current content of the CES website therefore consists of the following sections:

Institutional Information. Basic information on the CES: its nature, purpose, functions, membership and basic regulatory standards.

Members. Information on the Organizations that are members of the Council and on the individuals currently represent the members and those who have represented them under the different mandates since its inception in 1992.

Activity Reports. CES Activity Reports since its inception.

The following two sections present the results of the CES, and are therefore the most important:

Document index. This section provides basic statistical data and lists of the different documents and publications resulting from the Council’s activity: Opinions (by years, by opinion type and by type of instrument), Annual Reports and Statements.

Document catalogue. An advanced search engine for documents produced curing the Council’s activity. Searches are broken down by document title, type, publication year and content descriptor tags.

The documents in question can be accessed directly by both options.

New Website of the Economic and Social Council of the Canary Islands.

The Economic and Social Council of the Canary Islands (CES) is launching its new website. The main guiding features of its design and development are simplicity and specificity, focused on highlighting what is important – the results of its activity. We have therefore avoided overloading the user with options, content, images, news, etc., which distract from the essential purpose of CES.

The current content of the CES website therefore consists of the following sections:

Institutional Information. Basic information on the CES: its nature, purpose, functions, membership and basic regulatory standards.

Members. Information on the Organizations that are members of the Council and on the individuals currently represent the members and those who have represented them under the different mandates since its inception in 1992.

Activity Reports. CES Activity Reports since its inception.

The following two sections present the results of the CES, and are therefore the most important:

Document index. This section provides basic statistical data and lists of the different documents and publications resulting from the Council’s activity: Opinions (by years, by opinion type and by type of instrument), Annual Reports and Statements.

Document catalogue. An advanced search engine for documents produced curing the Council’s activity. Searches are broken down by document title, type, publication year and content descriptor tags.

The documents in question can be accessed directly by both options.