Institutional information


The Economic and Social Council of the Canary Islands (CES) is a Statutory Body of a consultative nature in economic and social matters, whose primary purpose is to act as a channel for participation and dialogue in socio-economic matters.

The purpose of the CES is established in the law of its inception and consists of:

“To ensure the active participation of social and economic agents in the economic, social and labour policy of the Canary Islands”

The CES fulfils its role in the delivery of reports and opinions, specifically:

a) Issuing statutory prior reports on bills and plans in economic, social and labour matters of the Government.

b) Issuing statutory prior reports on bills and draft general provisions that refer to the organization, powers and operation of the Council itself.

c) Issuing reports and opinions on economic, social and labour matters, at the request of the Government.

d) Issuing reports and opinions at the Council’s own initiative.

e) Preparing and publishing an annual report on the economic, social and labour situation of the Canary Islands.

f) Preparing the proposal for the Council’s operating Regulations.

The CES is constituted as a collegiate body of 18 appointed directors, and 18 alternates, according to the following distribution:
6 representing the largest trade unions in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands.
6 representing the largest employers’ organizations.
2 representing the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of the Canary Islands.
2 representing consumer and user associations.
2 experts of recognized prestige in economic, social or labour matters, appointed by the Government of the Canary Islands.

Download the table of organizations represented in the CES of the Canary Islands.

The collegiate bodies of the CES consist of the Plenary and the Work Committees.

– The Plenary is the supreme body for directing and forming the will of the Council. It consists of all its members, under the direction of the President, with the support of the Secretary General.

Download the organizational chart of the plenary of the CES of the Canary Islands.

– The Work Committees are study and debate groups that prepare draft reports and opinions on matters within the remit of the Council. The reports and opinions are subsequently discussed and, where appropriate, the Plenary the release of the corresponding report or opinion. They can be standing committees, or they may be constituted for specific issues.

1. Government.
2. Annual Report.
3. Regional Development and Economic Planning.
4. Trade and Fiscal Policy and Issues Related to the European Union.
5. Social Welfare Policy.
6. Employment Policy and Vocational Training.
7. Consumption.

Download organizational chart of the committees of the CES of the Canary Islands.